Saturday, April 21, 2007

On being a mom

What a glorious experience being a parent is!! Every day is a new adventure, and contains another new slice of glorious, fascinating life. Every person that has ever been born is more precious now, because I know how intensely that person has been loved and what it took to birth them. I know unconditional love, and it is the richest love that exists. It is a love that transcends everything, clarifies the deepest philosophical questions, and gives meaning to it all.
The mundane tasks of parenthood are fun, joyful and beautiful to me because they sustain and nourish a little soul. I am more patient, more trusting, more open and more confident, because I have learned that I can go through sleepless nights, childhood illnesses and intense neediness and thrive and grow as a person. I can give even when I don't feel I have more to give. I am more than I thought I was, and I'm glad for everything I have given, as it is an investment in an ever-growing bank account of rich love.
The laughter of children is life-sustaining. The knowledge that my child will soon grow up gives me the perspective I need to prioritize my days. Cleaning the house is not where it's at. Laughing, reading and playing together while the laundry piles up--that's it.
Little intimacies, learning about my child's interests and helping him to develop them--what a gift! Seeing my child's love for animals and his softness with them, that is joy. Making muffins together and watching them bake in the oven, what fun! Making silly sounds and cracking up, yahoo! Sharing family good times, yay!
Aidan, I love you!! Thank you for coming into my life!

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