Friday, November 14, 2008


An update on Aidan

We took Aidan out of kindergarten because we were unhappy with the place, and so was Aidan. It was too rigid, and there was not enough play time. Kids were expected to speak extra softly and never run indoors, and many toys were off-limits even though they were within reach of the kids (they need to be "trained" in how to use them first). So after 2 miserable months, we took Aidan out. It feels right!

Today's conversation:
Me: "Mommy loves you soo much (makes wide circle movement with hands) and even more."

Aidan: "Like this?" (makes same motion).

Me: "Yes! and even more!"

Aidan: "Where can we see the more? Can't see it, too big!"

Soooo cute!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The journey

I thought I knew myself so well before I became a parent, but Aidan has uncovered a part of me I didn't know existed. I wanted to be perfect, or at least a really great mom, but I can't hide the flaws that cause feelings of mommy-inferiority because Aidan sees them. I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes I wish I didn't make even though they are within the sphere of "normal" (like not being consistent enough, and getting angry too fast), and it is hard to see them so often, and so clearly, in the eyes of the little boy I want to be a hero to.
The nice thing is that even though he sees the flaws, he wants to be with me, all the time, and that is sooo sweet!
So it's not all bad. I get a chance to grow as a person, he's okay with who I am, and I hope I'm good enough in the meantime--while I work at being perfect :)
It is truly humbling, and an amazing gift, to be a parent!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mikkel Rev dreams

Early this morning, 5am to be exact, Aidan loudly sleep-said, in a sing-song voice, "Africa..." It was to the tune of a Norwegian song called "Mikkel Rev," and Aidan is completely besotted with the song. he sings or hums it several times a day, and even sings it with made-up words, just for fun.
It was so loud and clear, and it cracked John and I, who were sleeping right beside him, up!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Barnehage pics-with his fave teacher, and more

Barnehage (kindergarten)

There is a shortage of barnehages here in Norway, and especially in Oslo. We put Aidan on a waiting list for a Montessori one back in 2007, and were thrilled when we got a space--as we were looking for a place to buy and had kind of settled on one area way across town from the barnehage we got a space in. We then decided to buy a place in Tonsenhagen, near the Montessori school, to be close to it and because we liked the area.
Well, as much as we like the place, Aidan hates going. Yep, cries broken-heartedly every morning. It's been almost two months now, and he still can't get used to the idea of going there every day, even though he seems to like certain things, or at least, he tolerates them. He's very mommy fixated these days, especially with our recent move, and it seems that it's the separation that is the hardest part, as the teachers report that he does well once we leave. He cries about circle time, how he doesn't like it, even before we leave the house. Basically, the whole thing overwhelms him while he's growing from it at the same time, socially, with the other kids at least. We keep his days short. While many other kids are there from 7:55-4:15, we drop him off at 9:30 and pick him up at 1.30. We also keep him out one day a week, so that we can bond, especially because I work many weekends and eves. so don't get enough time with him.
I'm not sure how it will play out, and if Aidan will grow to like the place. It seems really neat, and is totally Montessori. There is lots of structure, yet lots of room for learning at their own paces. I wonder sometimes though about so much structure and routine for someone so young. Aidan's a bit of a free spirit, so it's perhaps both good and difficult for him.
This morning, Saturday, he asked several times "no barnehage today??" delighting at our "no."
I comfort myself with the fact that we keep his time there limited, although to him it probably feels an eternity as he waits for us--and he does wait, kind of go through it, waiting to be picked up again.
But there is some lightness here. His teacher reported on Thursday that he and a little girl have been holding hands, that both of them have initiated this with one another. So maybe love will save the (barnehage) day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008


Aidan calls himself "you."
Very cute!
Since that's what we say to him when we talk to him directly ("do YOU want to eat now," etc), it does make sense when you see it from his perspective.
It's so cute when he says "don't kiss you" (yes, he doesn't like to be kissed as much as I'd like to kiss him!), or "you not like that nam-nam" in referring to himself and telling us what he likes and dislikes. He's starting to wonder why mom and dad call one another "you" as well, so it probably won't last long.
I love seeing the world from a 2 year old's perspective!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A little update

It's been so long since I've updated this blog. I've been wanting to post for ages, but haven't gotten to it. Since our last post, Sarah's got a new job that she really dislikes, and we've gone into major debt in buying an apartment in overpriced Oslo (one of the most expensive cities in the world for real estate!). It's been BUSY at our house!
Aidan, our little man, has grown so very much in the last six months! We've done so much fun stuff together. Aidan has:

come house hunting with us all over Oslo,
gone to the technical museum and explored old trains, planes and built fun stuff,
met John S and had a great time with him,
taken boat trips to and from Bygdøy-Aker Brygge,
walked on the roof of the new opera house and fed the birds there,
helped mom and dad walk dogs and feed cats,
learned to ride his tricycle and his mini-tractor,
swam at the beach at Bygdøy,
played lots at grandma Tone's house and is learning Norwegian,
visited lots of people and places, like Bo and Jenny, Sian, Tonje, Taylor and Kelly, Ketil and Eirik, and many more great people!

And wow, how he has developed and grown! Aidan's really tall for his age, and many people think he's 3. Aidan is energetic, strong and fun, and he loves to learn and understand how things work.

He's a sensitive, analytical child, and does not miss a nuance of anything going on around him.

It's fun to have conversations with Aidan. He really understands abstract concepts now, and it amazes me how sophisticated he's gotten in such a short time.
Today's conversation about the trampoline we jump on every day while we stay at Bo and Jenny's house until we can move into our own home:
A: "konalina's (trampoline) very windy."
Mom: "Yes, it's windy outside today!"
A: "Yeah, jump high with wind maybe?"
Mom: "Yes, maybe the wind will make us jump higher? We can try and see!"
A: Yeah, wind moves feet high!"
Mom: "Do you like the wind?"
A: "Yeah, wind not bright sun!"

Cute!!!! Fun!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Aidan's Thomas the Tank Engine 2nd birthday!

Aidan had a wonderful time at his birthday party at Grandma and Pappa's house! Mommy baked 3 cakes, and we all played pin-the-number-on-Thomas while blindfolded game (which uncle Scot tried to cheat at, hehe! :), and had lots of fun!


Aidan with cousins Jacob and Madeline at Uncle Bill's firehouse! Aidan's in awe that he has a "Babu Man" as an uncle. "Babu" is the sound sirens make in Norwegians :)

Two years old and not too terrible!

After loads of adventures in NYC and KS, we're back in Oslo with our big boy. While we were in the USA Aidan's speech developed in leaps and bounds. He now can put 4 word sentences together, and has started describing things to us using adjectives.

It pleasantly stunned us when, after arriving at grandma and pappa Waters house, he said "Pappa's house," "BIG house!" We hadn't said anything to him about the house being big or small, but he used the word "big" on his own, as his own observation. Cool! It's neat that he's using what he's learning to think independently.