Monday, November 12, 2007

My big little man

Aidan, you're so yummy! You've learned to give kisses and hugs and are very loving and sweet. You pucker up for kisses often, and think it's so much fun to be a part of our family group hugs and kisses. You even try to hug Ricky the kitty, in a surprisingly gentle way. You love softly head-butting with Ricky, which is a cat's way of kissing and hugging. We're pleasantly surprised at how you and Ricky are with each other--you're very gentle, and Ricky's very tolerant. You're incredibly observant of everyone and everything, and I continue to be amazed at how much you understand. You're only 22 months old and have what seems a sophisticated understanding of emotions, technical things and a great sense of humor!

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