Friday, November 14, 2008

An update on Aidan

We took Aidan out of kindergarten because we were unhappy with the place, and so was Aidan. It was too rigid, and there was not enough play time. Kids were expected to speak extra softly and never run indoors, and many toys were off-limits even though they were within reach of the kids (they need to be "trained" in how to use them first). So after 2 miserable months, we took Aidan out. It feels right!

Today's conversation:
Me: "Mommy loves you soo much (makes wide circle movement with hands) and even more."

Aidan: "Like this?" (makes same motion).

Me: "Yes! and even more!"

Aidan: "Where can we see the more? Can't see it, too big!"

Soooo cute!!

1 comment:

Christy@pipandsqueak said...

I am sorry it did not work for you. I know you were excited about the Montessori. But, you have to do what feels right for your kid.