Thursday, May 7, 2009

The bus obsession

Aidan knows bus numbers by sight, and calls out "there´s the 31E bus, it goes fast!", or "This is a new 31 bus, not an old one!" He knows the train and tram lines as well, and tells us whenever a 20, 25, 30, 33, 37, 59, 60 or 66 bus goes by. And he´s VERY into the distance the bus stops from the curb. If a driver is not too far from the curb (a little step), the driver did a good job. But if (heaven forbid) the driver stopped with a large gap, he or she didn´t do a very good job.
He drives his toy buses around at home, stopping at imaginary bus stops and judging how well the driver (himself) did. It´s so sweet!

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